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Agriculture Science
(Frequency = 4 Issues in a Year)
(Double Blind Reviewed Refereed Journals)
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Aim & Scope

VSRD International Journal of Agriculture Science provides an outlet for Research, which advances our understanding of Agriculture Science, in all its varied aspects. It publishes articles that deal with the theory and practice of Agriculture Science, especially those which demonstrate how Concepts and Ideas about Agriculture Science can be put into practice. VSRDIJAS includes papers that are interdisciplinary in nature as well as those within the major disciplines, including:

 Agriculture Science
 and more ...

The goal of VSRD International Journal of Agriculture Science is to disseminate the latest thinking and research about Agriculture Science to academics and practitioners all over the world. It aims to include papers from both developed and undeveloped countries and from researchers, academicians, etc.. Preference is thus given to papers which adopt an international perspective or deal with international issues related to above mentioned streams.

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